Clublink EmployeeS
Muskoka Resort Discount Program
We invite ClubLink employees and their families to take advantage of this discount program by joining us at Rocky Crest Golf Resort or Sherwood Inn during non-peak times. Discounted rates are available a maximum of 90 days prior to arrival.
Room Rates
There are two levels of rates; availability in each category will be dependent on occupancy at the time of booking. Employees will be eligible for both Tier 1 and Tier 2 pricing and will apply to current employees who will be using the room themselves. Friends and Family members of employees are eligible for Tier 2 pricing only.
Booking Reservations
Rocky Crest Golf Resort 866-323-3305
Sherwood Inn 866-844-2228
When booking online, use the promo codes below to check availability at the discounted rate.
​Tier 1 promo code (employees only): CLDE1
Tier 2 promo code (employee friends and family): CLDE1
Click here for Muskoka Resort Discount Program details.
Note: Room rates are subject to a daily resort amenity fee and 13 per cent HST.